
(Wilson's) images offer a mysterious, almost haunting presence. "They are poignant and powerful, yet ambiguous. Meaning can be drawn, but never definitively pinned down, nor can her work be categorized under a particular style, convention or ism."

Cary S. Levine, quoted by Danielle Winterton in "Living the Dream" (see below).

Selected Reviews and Articles

"It's a Big World in There," David King, Chronogram, July 25, 2014

"Tona Wilson: Gained in Translation," Ross Rice. Roll Magazine. March 2010.

"Tona Wilson: Between Worlds," Steven Andersen. WSwork. March 25, 2010.

"Whitewash," Peter Aaron. Chronogram, Kingston, NY. December 28, 2006.

"Personally Speaking," Mala Hoffman. New Paltz Times, New Paltz, NY. May 4, 2006. Page 17.

"Living the Dream," Danielle Winterton. Taconic Weekend, Millbrook, NY. November 1 - 7, 2001. Page 14.

"Deadpan Narratives that Pooh-pooh the Patriarchy," Kathi Norklun. Woodstock Times, Woodstock, NY November 19, 1998. Page 16. (Also appeared as "Social Work" in the Huguenot Herald, New Paltz, NY.)

"Men in Black," Mala Hoffman. The Huguenot Herald, New Paltz, NY. March 26, 1998. Page 3.

"Donskoj Show Emphasizes Social Messages," James G. Shine. Kingston Daily Freeman, Kingston, NY. June 14, 1996. Page 6.

"Arty Appetite," Lei Isaacs. Woodstock Times, Woodstock, NY. September 12, 1991. Page 18, Times Two.

"Argentinian Angst," Steven Kolpan. Woodstock Times, Woodstock, NY. November 23, 1989. Page 17, Times Two.

Selected Publications

From the Borderline to the Colorline; A Report on Anti-Immigrant Racism in the United States, internal art, reproduced in publication of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Prepared for the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, 2001.

"Working in the Hudson Valley: Paintings in Tempera by Tona Wilson," The Hudson Valley Regional Review, A Journal of Regional Studies. Volume 15, Number 1. March, 1998. Pages 57 - 68.

"Buenos Aires Bus: the Back Seat," cover art for NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume XXVIII, Number 4, Jan./Feb. 1995.

"Afuera, El Tren," cover art, and "En La Sala de Espera," internal art, for Feminaria, Revista de Teoria Feminista. Number 1, 1988.

Links to the Artist's Work

"Tona Wilson," NYFA MARK Alumni.